Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Must Read Interview for Quilters

I read the most fun interview today and wanted to share it with all my friends and fellow quilters. Hopefully the link above will take you to the Connecting Threads blogspot page where the interview is displayed.

Quilting is a passion I wish I had so much more time for. I can't tell you how many books I've collected over the years, but there's one more I must add to my collection. Connecting Threads has interviewed a wonderfully talented quilter, Anita Grossman Solomon, who has authored a new book, "Rotary Cutting Revolution". When you check out the interview, please notice the fantastic quilt on the upper left with the book. The quilt is called The No Waste Windmill, made entirely from scraps! Now that's my kind of quilt.

Something else that I'm drawn to is Anita's style for pineapple quilts. For those of you who know me, my love of log cabin quilts is over the top. Well, pineapple quilts are log cabins with the blocks of fabrics turned in a different pattern. To see her variations of pineapple quilts, you need to visit her blog - . Sorry, I can't make that a clickable link. I've already saved her blog as a favorite and became a follower so I can visit time and time again!

If you are looking for a new and simpler way to quilt, read Connecting Threads' Karen Johnson's interview with Anita and then head on over to her blog for more inspiration!

Happy Quilting :)

1 comment:

  1. In order to get to the interview, please click on the heading for my post above. One of these days I'll get the hang of adding links!
